"Imagine making $2,000 a week while flying anywhere you want for free..."
Here is the truth about working as an aircraft mechanic
- Do aircraft mechanics really make a lot of money?
- Do you have to go to college?
- Do you need a license or some type of certification?
- Is aircraft maintenance a good career?
Every day people just like you are making money in the field of aviation. Some years I made over $100,000 working on airplanes. An aviation career can be very rewarding, but there's a lot of information about this career that is kept hidden.
My name is Stan King. I worked as an aircraft mechanic for many, many years. The field of aircraft maintenance is growing every day. There were nearly ninety million airplane departures in 2016 and it is estimated that by the number of departures will have doubled.Do aircraft mechanics really make a lot of money?
The simple answer is that you can make a lot of money as an aircraft mechanic in certain situations. However, is it really the high-paying career that you probably think it is?
Most aircraft mechanics can make a lot of money compared to some careers, but only if the right steps are taken.
Many people get into aviation thinking they will make a lot of money, but there's much more to working as an aircraft mechanic than all of the money that can be made.
If you know the right steps you can make a lot of money.

- Martin E.
Do you have to go to college?
This is one of the biggest misconceptions about this career. Most people automatically assume that you have to go to college.
A common mistake people make is thinking that they have to go to school or college to work on airplanes. Many times you don't, and there are other ways you can get the necessary training you need to advance in the career.
Not everyone working on airplanes is making $80,000 a year, and the ones that are making that much money are a mixture of people with and without college degrees.
Do you need a license or some type of certification?
Not everyone working in aviation has a license! People always assume that if you work on multimillion dollar airplanes you HAVE to have some kind of license or something, right? Wrong!!
However, even though you don't absolutely have to have a license, you DO have to have a license in some situations. The question is: Is it really worth the time and effort to go to school for an aviation degree?
You may or may not have heard about the Airframe and Powerplant License, or the "A&P License". I will discuss this type of license below, and whether or not it is as valuable as the schools want you to think it is.
Even though the colleges will never tell you this, you might not need a license to work on airplanes.

- Kenneth B.
A&P Instructor
What is an A&P License?
The A&P License is issued to qualified aviation technicians that have the proper training and meet all of the requirements set by the FAA. The true value of the A&P License is usually inflated and made to seem bigger than it really is by the airlines and colleges.
A mechanic who holds an A&P License is certified to inspect, perform, or supervise maintenance of aircraft and aircraft systems. A&P mechanics are certified to accomplish their duties on both commercial and private aircraft.
Do you really need an A&P License? Is an A&P License a good investment?
If you are planning on jumping into a school for an A&P License because you think it's a wise decision, or because that's what the school has talked you into, think again.
I will tell you the truth:
- What the A&P prep schools won't tell you...
- What the community colleges won't tell you...
- The real value of the A&P License...
Is the money you are going to invest in a school to earn an aviation degree worth the time, effort, and stress it takes to earn it?
I'm going to show you how to get a FREE A&P License
Did you know an A&P License can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 or more..?
There are certain methods you can use to get an A&P License without paying a penny. Most people don't have a clue that these methods exist. Why pay thousands of dollars to get something when you can get it for free? And why don't the schools mention these powerful methods??
When you see these methods you will really understand why the colleges and schools anger me. They could easily give this information away, but instead they hide it from you.
How do some mechanics make $100,000 or more working in aviation?
There are people in the aviaiton field making large amounts of money. There are only a few ways that this level of income can be achieved but it is possible.
People don't know any of the details about airplanes. Most people are clueless when it comes to all of the systems and components that make them fly. All they know is that they trust their lives to these complex machines that cost millions of dollars.
Because of these reasons, most people automatically assume that the mechanics that work on these machines HAVE to make A LOT OF MONEY.
Once you know the truth about this career and the money that can be made, I can almost guarantee that your whole perception of the aviation career field will be turned upside down.
Where do you start?
Well, I can tell you that you don't start by reading a course outline from an aviation school or technical college.
I can honestly say that you have already started at the best place possible, which is right here.
If you are interested in this career you have found the best resource available to make sure you know all the facts.
Is aircraft maintenance a good career?
Aircraft maintenance is constantly listed in top ten or top twenty career lists by popular websites like MonsterJobs, Yahoo! Jobs, and Forbes. It can be a great career, but only if you know all the details.
Aircraft maintenance is not for everyone. If I had a dollar for every new mechanic that quit within six months after starting the job, I would have tens of thousands of extra dollars in my bank account.
Most of these mechanics had already spent tens of thousands of dollars and years in college to get an aviation degree. Most quit because they didn't like the job for one reason or another. Most had been pulled in by a college or technical school, and they thought that the career would be much different than it actually is.
Don't guess if an aviation career is right for you.
Is this career right for you?
Just because you can make $70,000 - $100,000 + a year doesn't mean the career is for you.
This career is certainly much better than some careers, but you need to make sure without a doubt that this career is right for you BEFORE you invest your time and money into it.

Why I Wrote The Aircraft Mechanic...
I decided to share my story and tell the truth about the field of aviation so you don't have to worry about whether or not working in aviation is the right career for you.
"Wow, you work on airplanes! You must make a lot of money!"
"Should I got to school for an A&P license?"
"What's it like working on airplanes?"
As a professional working in aviation, I heard things like this almost every day. I also found myself answering these questions almost every day.
I soon learned why I was answering these same questions over and over, again and again. The answers simply weren't available. There were no books, videos, or online resources that provided a clear answer to any of these questions.
Nothing really explained anything about the field of aircraft maintenance, how to become an aircraft mechanic, or what it's like working as one.
I wanted to answer these questions so you will have a clear understanding about airplane mechanics and aviation. I want you to know what it's really like working in aviation.

The Aircraft Mechanic is worth it’s weight in gold. I noticed a couple of other A&P Instructors leaving comments so I thought I would send you this testimonial along with a picture of myself to use on your site. That picture is a few years old, so I don’t quite look like that anymore! However, my testimonial still stands as strong now as ever.
Your hard work is very appreciated Mr. King, and I am very grateful that you chose to write The Aircraft Mechanic. I believe I have read that you might release a follow-up book? Please keep me informed if you plan to write another book. I’ll be your first customer."
- Darryl Murtaugh
A&P Instructor
What will The Aircraft Mechanic do for you?
Over 33,000 people just like you have used The Aircraft Mechanic to find out if this career is right for them.
Some have become aircraft mechanics making $100,000 or more per year, while some have decided that the career is not right for them BEFORE spending thousands of dollars and wasting years of their life.
- How to make the most money
- How to get a FREE A&P License
- Everything you need to know about being an aircraft mechanic
The aviation industry needs you, and they know exactly how to get you in the door anyway they can by lying to you and telling you what you want to hear. Don't be a blind sheep!
Don't spend your time, money, and energy to get into this career without knowing all of the facts!

As a retired FAA Safety Inspector, I have to say that your book was a pleasure to read. It was very refreshing to see a different point of view. I do believe that you are offering newcomers a valuable tool if they are really ready to get into the aviation career field. As a licensed A&P Mechanic and a pilot, I can honestly say I wish there were more books like The Aircraft Mechanic available, and I think that every aircraft technician should have a copy. Thank you for your contribution to the aviation career field.
- Don Eastman, Oklahoma City, OK
FAA Aviation Safety Inspector, Retired

I just started on my A&P License at a college. I was able to set up an agreement with the maintenance facility so I don't have to use a student loan. I really can't believe that I am going to school for no money. I have already told some of the other students here about your course, but most of them have already started paying tuition.
There are a couple of other students that are using the same method as me because they also have your book. I just wanted to tell you how truly thankful I am that you took the time to help aviation students like myself."
- Miguel Escobar, Peru
A&P Student

- James Murphy
A&P Mechanic
Choosing a career is a big step. Don't blindly jump into this career without knowing all the facts!
I will tell you everything you need to know about the aircraft maintenance career field.
I want you to know the truth about this career. I will lay everything out on the table, and I will go over everything honestly.
I want you to have a good-paying, enjoyable career.
You'll be more prepared than most of the instructors in the schools if you decide to go into aviation.
All of the secrets of working in aviation are revealed in The Aircraft Mechanic.
There is nothing else like this out there!

- Charles A.
After reading The Aircraft Mechanic you will be able to make a solid descision on whether or not a career in aviation is right for you.
Don't even think about a career in aviation before you read this book.
Don't blindly waste your money on an expensive college or prep course. Don't take a chance in aviation without knowing all of the details provided in The Aircraft Mechanic.
"Every aircraft technician and anyone that is interested in aircraft or aviation, or anyone who even flies on planes should be forced to read this book."
- Chris Vohnham, A&P Instructor
If you don't want to know the dirty secrets about working in aviation, then don't read this book.

- Christy W.
Everything you need to know about the aircraft mechanic career:

You will also get a copy of...

Each of these guides used to sell for $19.95 alone...
You will also have access to...

How To Get A Free A&P License used to sell for $29.95 alone, and this is the first time this film has been released online...
You will also have...
Full support from me, Stan King

I am the creator of The Aircraft Mechanic materials. I have helped thousands of people just like you learn about this career, and you will have my full support if you have any questions or need any help!
This Week Only, Get all of The Aircraft Mechanic items AND My Full Support for Only $27

For only $27 you will learn everything you need to know about working in aviation.
Start your aviation career today!

Don't waste your life or spend your money on an expensive school without knowing the truth about working as an aircraft mechanic.
Your copies of The Aircraft Mechanic, Interview With An A&P Mechanic, Interview With A Structures Mechanic, and the How To Get A Free A&P License video will be instantly available in your email so you can start learning about the aviation industry right now!
30 Day Money-Back Offer if you order TODAY,

Fast forward a year... Using the methods in the book I found a spot with a company here in Florida where I’ve been working as an A&P mechanic. Sometimes the days can be long, but the other mechanics are friendly and helpful and I’m making some really good money. I should have my A&P certificate in 4 or 5 more months, which is the best part.
If you are looking to get your A&P certificate, I recommend you read this book. It will help you and save you some money.

Luckily I found this book online a few weeks ago and it has been really helpful. I didn’t know that you can get into this line of work without even going to college or an aviation school. If you like me and thinking about going to school for aircraft maintenance, read this book first.

What's Included:
Everything you need to know about an aviation maintenance career
How to get a FREE A&P License
30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
You will learn about every aspect of the aircraft maintenance career:
How to make the most money
How to get started without wasting thousands of dollars in college
Everything about the A&P License
If you need an A&P License
The dangers of working in this career
If the career is right for you
And much, much more!

It turns out you can get a job and start making money first, and then get the certification later. This was good news for me because I really didn’t have the money to pay for the school and I didn’t want to take out any student loans. Using this book I was able to find a program at an MRO in Georgia (where I live). I’m 4 months into the program right now, and when I’m finished I can get my sign offs and get my A&P. All I had to do was buy a toolbox and some tools which all cost about $200.
I’m so glad I didn’t end up with a $15,000 student loan or a bunch of credit card debt. Read this book if you’re thinking about getting your A&P, it will help you get started.

Back to this book it’s a great resource and has helped me learn a lot about being an airplane mechanic. I haven’t found a job yet, but I have emailed a few places and there are some spots available. I plan to quit my current job at Wal-Mart and start with a company in Florida by the end of the summer. If you are thinking about going to school read this book first because you don’t have to go to college which surprised me.

Why this information has never been made available
If you only knew the facts you would instantly see why nothing like this has ever been released!
Fact #1: The schools need to make money!
They will tell you anything and everything to get you in the door. Why? To teach you, right? Wrong! Most people think that schools exist to teach people about specific subjects. What they fail to realize is that schools exist to make money. They make money by teaching people stuff. The schools make this career out to be a great opportunity so they can charge you tens of thousands of dollars. Colleges are businesses.
Fact #2: The airlines need to make money!
Just as the colleges and technical schools don't exist to educate you but to make money, so it is with the airlines. Airlines don't exist to fly people to their destinations safely. They exist to make money. They make money by flying people to their destinations safely (sometimes)... If the truth about aviation maintenance was truly exposed, there would be an uproar!
Fact #3: The whole aviation industry is controlled by Greedy corporations.
This does not mean that you cannot have a good career working in aviation, it means that greedy corporations in aviation are no different than greedy corporations in any other field. They exist to make money, and they will use you and pay you as little as they can because you won't know any better.
Fact #4: Maintenance companies like DUMMIES!
Maintenance companies and airlines love it when fresh, dumb aviation mechanics come right out of college looking for a job. They know that most of these mechanics don't have a clue about the real world of aviation maintenance, because the colleges don't tell them about it. If you want to have a high-paying, enjoyable career in the field of aviation maintenance you have to go way beyond what the schools and maintenance companies will ever tell you. Don't be a dummy!
Fact #5: Only some will have a high-paying career in aviation.
You can make good money and have a good career in aviation, but it is not for everyone. If you think that you can go to school, get a degree, and have a high-paying career, you are wrong.
Fact #6: Most aircraft mechanics think they have a good career because they don't know any better.
Noone wants to have regrets. If a person goes to college and gets a degree, they want that degree to mean something. They want to know that they accomplished something. Most aircraft mechanics, whether they acquired a degree or not, will defend their profession because they don't want to admit that they made a mistake.
The sad part is, they could probably make a lot more money if they only knew how.
What the schools and the airlines won't tell you...
The schools are only concerned with getting you through the door, so you can start paying them tuition. I've seen this happen with so many people and it really angers me. I'm just trying to help you make the right decision about your future. I can help you make the right choices because of my extensive knowledge of this industry.
The airlines and maintenance companies work with the technical schools and colleges to bring in new employees for the lowest price possible. The schools make tons of money, and the airlines and maintenance companies have all the new low-paid mechanics they need.
Do you think that an A&P license is a valuable tool? I can tell you what you want to know. If you think you know what it's like working in the field of aviation, think again. Many new aircraft mechanics still ask me a lot of questions like these:
"I have my A&P but I don't have any experience yet, so what are my best options?"
"How can I make more money working as an aircraft mechanic?"
"What can I do if I can't get my A&P License?"
I have seen many new mechanics fresh out of A&P school that didn't know what to do after they finished school. They had used nearly two years of their lives and a lot of money on a career that they blindly walked into. They didn't know the right steps once they started working in aviation and that's why they would ask me questions all the time.
All of this is covered in The Aircraft Mechanic.
You will know more about the field of aircraft maintenance than a lot of people already working in the industry.

So far everything you talked about has been true. I'm very glad I had the chance to read your book before going to college."
- R. Alcomendas, Philippines
A&P Mechanic / Student

I saw a review of your book on YouTube and I couldn't resist! I'm glad I found you! I have began my training as a pilot in Hawaii, and I am loving it! I would love to go flying with you some day. It's beautiful out here, and I will be making more money than I ever dreamed! I was just about to enroll at a college here for an aviation degree when I found your book. I can't imagine what I would have done or where I would be if I hadn't. I just wanted to drop you a message and say thanks!"
- Rick Marshall, Hawaii
Pilot in training

- Q. Badanikai, India
Aircraft Mechanic
$27 is a ridiculously low price for all of the information contained in The Aircraft Mechanic course. All of the hard work is done, and now all you have to do is read, watch, and learn. That is why I reserve the right to increase this price at any time.
This course has sold very successfully at $49.95, and even for quite a while at $99.95, so don't be surprised if you return and see it back at a higher price. I'm planning on increasing the price in the next few days, so to lock in this low price you need to order TODAY,
You will receive INSTANT access to your books and video.

30 Day Money-Back Offer if you order TODAY,

In the first few chapters the author (Stan King) describes what it was like for him becoming an aviation mechanic. He also discusses how others can become mechanics and what they can expect to go through. I really enjoyed reading his story and some of it is pretty funny. Being a mechanic myself, I can definitely relate to a lot of what he says.
The rest of the book deals with what it’s like actually working as a mechanic in this career. He really went into a lot of detail and I felt like he was spot on. He talks about the salary of aviation mechanics, the positives and negatives of the career, the dangers, etc. He did a good job describing all of the different aspects. He also did a great job going over the FAA A&P certificate. The only negative I’d say is that I did disagree with him on a few issues, but like he says in the book everyone’s situation is different. Other than those minor gripes, the information is pretty solid.
Overall, I’d recommend anyone to read this book if they’re thinking about getting into aviation. It will probably save you some time instead of trying to randomly find stuff on the internet. I’ve been a mechanic for almost 7 years and even I learned a few things, which surprised me.

30 Day Money-Back Offer if you order TODAY,
You will receive INSTANT access to your books and video.

The steps the author lays out are the key. There are a bunch of mechanic jobs out there but you can’t just go and get one. The author tells you exactly how to become a mechanic without having a degree or license.
Whenever someone asks me about getting into aviaiton maintenance, I always tell them to read this book first because it really is a great resource and will help you avoid many mistakes.

Even if you just want to find out if you would like this type of work, the book will tell you all the details you need to know. There’s a lot of really useful info, and by the time you’re finished reading it you will know all about what it’s like working as a mechanic.
If you have questions or you are thinking about becoming an aircraft mechanic you should read this book.

The fact that this is written by a professional who has years of experiences makes a big difference. I don't need to google information piece by piece and judge with no basis whether that information and advice is still valid any more.
There is still a lot more to know before making the decision whether or not to pursue the aircraft mechanic route. And using this book as a general guide really helps!

Overall, a great book for an aviation class. The only downside is that it could have been longer. But the other material that comes with the book like the video on the A&P certificate makes up for it.

The Aircraft Mechanic
Interview With an A&P
Interview With a Structures Mechanic
How to Get a Free A&P License Video

I especially enjoyed reading the first section of the book about how you became an aircraft mechanic. You went through quite a lot during your career, and I think it will be very eye-opening to other people who are thinking about this career.
Already I have recommended the book to a few people who are interested in becoming A&Ps. I’m also planning to give a copy to my grandson for Christmas.
Best Regards,"
- Randall T.
A&P Instructor

- Chad Fuller

In January I started working for a company as a composites technician. I love doing the work and the money is great too. Can’t thank you enough for your advice. Take care,"
- Javier B.

After following your advice I just hired in with a company that’s paying me almost $1300 each week. I’ll be able to make even more once I’ve been here a little longer. I really can’t thank you enough for sharing your info. Thank you!"
- Marcos R.

I’m making $31.50 an hour on overtime and there’s always plenty of overtime. The work is actually not nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be.
I can’t believe I actually have a job I like for a change lol. Anyways, thanks again for all your help."
- Tammy P.

I really really appreciate your help with this and I can’t wait until I have my license and can start traveling. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again!"
- Lashawn A.

My plan is to keep working here for another year or two, then find a company to work for so I can be near the beach. I can't thank you enough for all of your great advice!"
- Dalton S.

You did a great job explaining everything about this job. I’m going to read through it again and then call some places. Thanks for putting your book out."
- Armando Vasquez

The Aircraft Mechanic
Interview With an A&P
Interview With a Structures Mechanic
How to Get a Free A&P License Video

I’ve always liked working on cars and motorcycles, and now I’m ready to make some good money working on planes. Thanks for writing your book!"
- M. Samson

I just finished reading The Aircraft Mechanic again for a second time, and I’m almost ready to begin looking for an open spot. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have your book as a guide.
Thank you for all of your help,"
- Johnny E.

The pay is excellent and I can finally give my family the life we deserve. And it all started with reading your book.
Thank you for writing your book and helping me and others learn about this career. I’m hoping one day I can meet you!"
- Sean Trayborn

30 Day Money-Back Offer if you order TODAY,

I got the aircraft mechanic because the author claimed that anyone could become an aircraft mechanic if you followed the steps outlined in the book. The book does show you how to get into the career without having any experience and with just a basic set of tools. The author doesn't sugar coat anything about working as an aircraft mechanic, and I'm still trying to decide if it's the right career for me. But at least now I know that I can become an aircraft mechanic if i want to. I'm going to read the book again to make sure I let all of the info sink in.
I highly recommend this book to anyone that likes airplanes helicopters, or any type of aircraft and is thinking about becoming a mechanic.

Stan Kings story put me right in the mind of actually working as a mechanic and being into the situations he was describing. It really opened my eyes to what I was about to get into if I went to college and got into the career. I was always thinking about the money I could make but this book gave me so much to think about. Did I really want to do it? On top of that I finally watched the video and even though the title of the video is "How to get a free a&p license" it didn't really sink in that I could actually get a free a&p license until I learned the methods he describes. I decided not to go to college and I found a MRO right near my hometown of Florida where I could gain experience and test the career out before taking out student loans to go to the community college.
All I can say is thank you Mr. King for helping me through a tough decision. This is REQUIRED reading if you are even thinking about becoming an aircraft mechanic.

The aircraft mechanic has just about everything I hoped it would have. 4.5 stars due to some terminology explanations I thought could have been worded better, so 5 stars with rounding.

However, to become an aircraft mechanic there is a lot you need to know and this book covers it all.
It helps you find out how you can become a mechanic where you can work, etc. It lets you know that being an aircraft mechanic is not that hard, but not always super easy either, but at the same time it can be highly rewarding.
It also covers the education aspect. What you need, how to prepare for your career, etc.
For anyone who wants to pursue this career this book is a must read.

I now have much more knowledge about the whole career. It's very easy to read, contains good real-world examples, and mine came with the "How to get a free A&P license" video. This video about getting the A&P license was good because it actually shows you real aircraft mechanics working in hangars and on different kinds of jets. If you're getting into the aviation field and don't know anything, this might be the book to have.

My only gripe with this book is that the beginning of the book is a little boring. It still can be really funny as he talks about becoming an aircraft mechanic. The way the book is written is kind of like a reference manual where I think it would have been more enjoyable if he would of loosened up a bit when writing it.
I say to definitely check this book out if you are thinking about this career.

I'm going to try and describe the book without making this review super long. The book starts off with the account of Stan king's career. He describes how exactly he got into aviation and all of the things he went through. I think this part of the book is necessary to really appreciate the later chapters. Positives of this section of the book: Explains what a lot of new mechanics will go through and how to avoid some of the pitfalls. Tells how some of the aviation companies and maintenance facilities will use new mechanics and how to not let that happen. Negatives: The writing style is structured strangely. You can tell it's Stan kings first book but remember this isn't supposed to be a story like the lord of the rings. Still he does a nice job and you can understand what he's talking about clearly.
After learning what it's like to be a new a/c mechanic and how the industry works, the book then goes into a lot of detail about what it's like working as an a/c mechanic. This was really great info for me and really gave me all the info I had been looking for. Some of the chapters include "Positives & Negatives" "The A&P License" "Choosing The Career" and "Pay Scales". The positives of these chapters: Told me everything I needed to know about having a career as an aircraft mechanic. The chapter about Pay was great. Also the chapter about contracting as an a/c mech was very helpful. Negatives: I wish it would have been longer, even though there's tons of info in the book.
Overall an honest and humble look at the career packed with info. I felt the book could be a little longer especially the chapters about the work environment, and the dangers chapter which was one of my favorite chapters. This was the only book I was able to find on this subject. You shouldn't have any questions after reading this book because this book will answer all of the questions you have. If you are thinking about this career as I am this book is a must read. Five stars.

Nothing in this book is sugarcoated.
If your not sure wheather a career in aviation is for you or not, this book may very well help you to find that answer. It explains what you can expect and why it is so rewarding for the right people.
I particularly liked the description of how the aviation maintenance industry works, and how it effects your career

However, after reading the book a couple of times over a couple of months and really thinking deeply about the content, and finding myself not only referring back to it, but also recommending it to friends, I now realize the banner isn't a claim, but is a credible statement. The amount of information detailed inside, along with plenty of topics makes this an ideal handbook to read.
The book's length is perfect; it's not too long and not too short. Some books I order seem like they're 1,000 pages long, and who has time to read 1,000 pages? The Aircraft Mechanic is quick and to the point. The information is neatly organized and it makes it easy to locate the information you are after.
This book is a great resource that brings everything together in one place to teach you about becoming an aircraft mechanic.

After reading that kind of basic information online over and over The Aircraft Mechanic was a fresh sight. Although the book title is kinda cheesy, you will be pleasantly surprised by tons of useful info. Most importantly it is fun to read, what a break..! Also, I didn't realize that when I purchased the book it came with a second book and a video about the A&P license. If you don't know what that it is, it is the Airframe and Powerplant license, and you will need this information if you are planning to get into this career.
You will find out most of what you need to know with these books and the video. I would recommend that you buy the digital version so you can keep all the notes. Enjoy!

The first few chapters could be helpful to people I guess, but the second half of the book is all you really need. Because of the first few chapters I give the book 4 stars. Still a must-read for anyone considering working in aviation maintenance.

Buy this book and dig in. The authors collection of advice is relevant, real-time, and real-world applicable. His approach to explaining what goes into making an aircraft mechanic is spot on. Keep in mind, I am only 82 pages in, and had to take a moment to let you all know what I think already!
If you really think you are ready to be an aircraft mechanic get this book and watch the video. You won't be disappointed and you're gonna need it.

The lessons taught by Stan King changed the path of my life. Some of these include knowing your purpose, thinking beyond what aviation colleges want you to think, and knowing who you are in order to know if this career is right for you. He discusses many subjects that you would not expect to find in a book about becoming an aircraft mechanic. I had wanted to be an aircraft mechanic since I was twelve years old, and I couldn't have found a better resource to help me. He is also funny. The best thing about his work is that he doesn't try to persuade or dissuade your choice of becoming an aircraft mechanic; he just wants you to know the truth. This truth goes far beyond merely learning how to become an aircraft mechanic; it's also about what you want to do.
King has provided a unique book that is long overdue. This book has many chapters about the process of becoming an aircraft mechanic that are required reading before choosing the career. Some good examples are the chapters about choosing the career, the A&P License, the dangers of the career, the seriousness of the career, and the chapter about the salary of an aircraft mechanic. As King says "There's more to being an aircraft mechanic than all the money that can be made".
While I was searching for information about becoming an aircraft mechanic I found what seemed like hundreds of websites and articles on the subject. I noticed that these websites were usually repeated information or just forums where there really was no good, solid information about the career. Mostly just little tidbits of information that isn't even relevant to learning about the career, especially on the forums I read through. After reading most of these websites I realize that king is right when he states "There were no other books or websites or resources with this information." Out of all the websites I have went through online I could find no other book like "The Aircraft Mechanic", and as I went through some of those websites I realized that there was not much in them that King had not already written about. I recommend quality over quantity. Instead of reading through many books and endlessly searching on websites, I recommend that you read The Aircraft Mechanic and let King's experience and wisdom guide you.

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The Aircraft Mechanic
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- Ben M.
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- Aircraft Weekly
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- USA Today
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